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The world's first Series Hybrid vehicle powered by a linear engine


100% more mileage, 60% less maintenance, 30% less cost How?

Comparing LSync with other Engines

Multifuel Capability
Total Cost of ownership(TCO)
Yes,seamless fuel exchange
Low maintenance
*2x of traditional IC engines
Low purchase & low operating costs
Low pollution, zero with H2
Traditional IC Engines
Not capable
High maintenance
Low mileage
Low purchase & high operating costs
Heavy pollution
Electric Vehicles
Not applicable
Least maintenance of all
Low range & nascent charging infrastructure
2.5x purchase & low operating costs
Zero pollution
Fuel Cell
Not capable
Low maintenance
High efficiency
3x purchase & low operating costs
Zero pollution

Fuel-independent, capable of running on a wide range of fuels, including diesel, petrol, CNG, ammonia, hydrogen, and more.

Fuel Agnostic

The vehicle costs less than traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. The engine itself is 500% lighter than conventional ICE engines.

Vehicle Cost

Designed for minimal maintenance, with air-bearing-supported shaft ensures frictionless combustion and 70% fewer components than an ICE.


Plug-and-play architecture replaces traditional belt-driven components, improving energy efficiency and reducing mechanical complexity.

High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)

Independent cabin, supported by MacPherson struts, provides superior comfort for long hauls.


Low-temperature HCCI combustion and variable combustion volume ensure a NOx-free engine and 100% fuel burn, delivering improved fuel efficiency and reduced harmful pollutants.

Pollution & Efficiency


Dual Free Piston Linear Engine - LSync

We have resolved the longstanding issue associated with the Free Piston Linear Engine (FPLE). Our proprietary Dual Free Piston Linear Engine technology (LSync) precisely controls two pistons with a liquid cooled Linear Synchronous Generator positioned in between to generate power. This technology provides complete control over the power generation sequence through an innovative mechanical solution integrated with advanced sensors, making it the only solution suitable for deployment in automobiles.


Induction motor with innovative 2 speed gearbox

All Vagatron Series Hybrid vehicles are powered by our proprietary, liquid cooled high-performance induction motor, seamlessly integrated with an innovative 2-speed planetary gearbox. Controlled by our advanced motor driver, this cutting-edge system is engineered to dynamically adapt to the fluctuating load demands of our heavy-duty trucks and buses, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency under the most demanding conditions.

How does it work?

All of Vagatron's buses and trucks are propelled by our proprietary dual free-piston linear engine – LSync – which generates the power required to run our induction motor, coupled with an innovative 2-speed gearbox that, in turn, drives the wheels. A smaller battery pack powers the motor during vehicle startup, and the battery is recharged during the run cycle. This configuration optimizes fuel efficiency and reduces emissions, as the engine operates at its most efficient speed, while the motor provides smooth, responsive driving.

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